Open air equipment


Open air equipment is designed to feed the animals outside the barns and are easy to move with a tractor.

Covered feed racks on legs come in several sizes: 2×2 meters (AGRIBALLE), 2×3 (QUADRIBALLE) and 1.8×1.5 meters (Self-closing feed racks for round bales). We also have different options for these feeders (hooped, diagonal, locking yokes with safety position or horned cows and even for horses).



This range of feeders can be completed with feeding racks for 1 or 2 round bales or 1 square bale.

Troughs, calf and adult creep feeders with different sizes and capacities allow feed distribution for every feeding situation (feeding fibre or concentrated feed) with less mess. They can be used inside or outside the barns.

Calf creep feeders are made for concentrated feed to wean the animals, to accelerate their growth or to supplement their food during dry periods. As an option, a foldable pen can be added on our calf creep feeders to feed only the calves.

A creep feeder for adult animals with a capacity of more than 2000 litres has been specifically designed to fatten cull cows.